Ну, во-первых, вышла первая серия Бас Геймера, да.
Минекура по этому поводу накатала постяру в своем блоге... ее переведу чуть позже.
А пока- ништяк для англочитающих фанатов.
Как известно, минекура не чурается написания "фиков" по своим же работам. конечно, когда автор творит, оно называется "Оригинальные короткие истории", ну не суть )
На официальном сайте выложено некоторое количества этого счастья. в разделе K.D.
Девочка перевела первую историю на английский.
ps: если мне память не изменяет, ее уже переводили когда-то.. но все равно.
копипастю с поста жж (
Convenience Story
Leave the apartment and walk for 2 minutes.
Anything can be found at the 7-11.
Everyday things, food, alcohol, cigarettes, newspapers, magazines.
When you are there, it always makes you happy.
7-11 has a good feeling.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
T: Kubo-chan likes new things.
K: Ah. Hey, look, Tokito, new miso-flavored gum.
T: Yuck, that’s the worst...don’t put it in the basket!!
K: Come on, it’s fine, since I’m going to eat it.
T: Oh no, he’s got that happy look on his face.
If he thinks it's gross afterward and tries to give it to me, there’s no way I’m eating it for him.
T: Kubo-chan likes new things.
T: He also really likes unusual things.
T: Hey, am I still new?
T: Am I still unusual to Kubo-chan?
T: ......What am I saying.
T: I’m being an idiot.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
K: Tokito is the type that focuses on one thing.
K: What’s this. The basket is full of Snickers.
T: It’s okay, because I’m really into them now. The great me* wants to eat them, so it’s ok.
K: Ah, I see.
K: My my, until recently he was saying things like “I’m really obsessed with Calorimate.”
K: After you get sick of them, I’m not going to help you finish the leftovers, okay?
K: Tokito is terribly obsessed.
K: But he’s terribly fickle.
K: Hey, is he still into me?
K: Or is he getting sick of me?
K: It’s a joke, a joke.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
T: Kubo-chan, is that it? I’m going to go pay.
K: Ah, hold on, you. Yeah, I’m done.
Right after that, Kubo-chan put something in the basket.
Stylish design by Junko Koshino.
--------------Sagami condoms.
T: Kubo-chan! That basket, you take it to the register!
K: Why?
T: Whaddya mean why!! To bring it to the register like that, it’s embarrassing!
Two guysー in the middle of the night like thisー if we buy something like this then it’s obvious people will misunderstand!
K: Eh, it’s not like it’s a misunderstanding anyway.
T: That’s not the issue!
K: Okay, I’ll put it back on the shelf, then.
T: That’s not what I mean either!
K: Well then, rock, paper…
T: Enough already, I said you take it out.
K: Okay, okay.
K: Well, always getting that reaction is fun, but...
K: Hmm?
K: Tokito, we're 42 yen short.*
T: I don’t have anymore.
K: Well then, should we put something in the basket back on the shelf?
K: Huh?
K: Are the Snickers ok?
K: Tokito-kun.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
-------------“Thank you very much."
When you are there, it always makes you happy.
7-11 has a good feeling.
(c) liadhdainАПД: А вот тут хороший человек (ТМ) уже на русский это перевел. Так что кому лень по-англицки буквы разбирать, валить сюда: