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Saiyuki Gaiden, Winter 2008

Сканы Radio Free BANRI (radiofreebanri.livejournal.com/profile), скрипты к выпуску: flemmings, ищите их в комментариях в ЖЖ Radio Free BANRI (radiofreebanri.livejournal.com/19826.html?page=...), они в свободном доступе .

Кусочек из правил Radio Free BANRI: "A Radio Free Banri broadcast takes some 12 to 15 hours to put together. In return, let everything in the broadcast stay here for the first 48 hours (that's two days) after I post it... After the first 48 hours, though, you're welcome to do whatever you want with the broadcast! (Comments are not part of the broadcast. Do not use anything in a comment without the permission of the commenter!)".

Saiyuki Gaiden, Winter 2008 был опубликован 18.11.2007 в 22:56:00. Так что считаем и делаем выводы :) .

Кросспост с сообществами Go West! и ::..Saiyuki..::