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wild_adapter добрая девочка
liadhdain перевела и выложила Экстру, которая была напечатана в буклете ко второму диску с драмой по Араисо. В форме *вопрос-ответ*.
The lovely Kubota's and the beauty Tokito's
One Question, One Answer
If you want to know, ask us!
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, do you live together?
K: That was unexpected.
T: Heh heh heh - you want to know? You want to know that much?
K: We live together. To be precise, he's a freeloader.
T: That's not how it is! I'm doing you a favor living with you!
Q: What is Article 1 of the Araiso school regulations?
K: ........What was it again?
T: They're impossible to remember. (<---- boasting)
Q: Tokito-kun, why do you always wear a glove on your right hand?
T: I'm glad you asked!
K: You should read the "Wild Adapter" series. (<---- sales pitch)
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, how do you divide up the household chores?
T: We decide by janken in the mornings.
K: Despite the game, I do almost all of them.
Q: Kubo-chan, about how many packs of cigarettes do you smoke in a day?
K: Let's see....3 or 4 a day?
T: My great self is gonna get lung cancer!
Q: Tokito-kun, you're wearing a hooded shirt; how many do you own?
T: From here to about here in the closet, I guess?
K: They can't see you.
Q: Kubo-chan, do you cut your hair every month?
K: If I put it up it's comfortable, when it gets too long I cut it myself well enough.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, what is your favorite bath powder scent?
T: The smell of __ works for me.
K: __ is the best.
Q: What do the two of you wear to bed?
T: Whatever, a tank top and jeans, that kind of thing.
K: Nothing on top. And pants, usually.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, please tell us what type you like.
T: Myself. (<---- no hesitation)
K: Catlike people?
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, what's your favorite book?
K: The Wandering Mahjongg Chronicles.
T: Unless it's manga, I won't read it.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, what is your motto?
K: Luck among ability.
T: Winning is everything.
Q: Kubo-chan, what is your favorite dish?
K: U-m, seven spice fried rice?
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, what is the ringtone on your cell phone?
T: Mine is Gian.
K: The level-up on Dragon Quest.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, what are your best subjects?
K: If I had to say, I guess math and science.
T: Gym and lunch.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, how do you spend your days off?
T: It's a secret.
K: Making a living. Illegally.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, do you wake up in a good mood?
K: Tokito is cranky.
T: Even you're pretty cranky, you know!
Q: Tokito-kun's lunch. Is it Kubo-chan's handmade bento?
K: Lunch for both of us is bread that we purchased.
T: I wish you would make it for me, though.
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, have you ever had a fight?
T: Have we?
K: Who knows?Источник:
Хех, как же всё-тки абажаю этих ребят
А в этом интервью еще и фансервиса стока
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, please tell us what type you like.
T: Myself. (<---- no hesitation)
K: Catlike people?
я прямо по рабочему столу растеклась от этого.
надо переслушать аудиодрамы Араисо, что ли =)
Надо будет вечерком скачать и послушать)))
Мне еще это понравилось:
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, do you live together?
K: That was unexpected.
T: Heh heh heh - you want to know? You want to know that much?
Спасибо огромное!
Зачем нам моск? Нам моск ни к чему!T: Myself. (<---- no hesitation)
K: Catlike people?
Дадада! Я тоже по столу растекся)))
Мне тоже понравился кусок про людей с кошачьими повадками.
p.s. Кстати, в комментариях к оригинальному посту в ЖЖ есть такой кусок:
Q: Kubo-chan and Tokito-kun, how do you spend your days off?
T: It's a secret.
K: Making a living. Illegally.
Это фанаты вошли в роль и решили соединить WA с EC. Мне это понравилось тоже.